Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lessons from The Incredible Mr. Thicke

So I was just talking to my thuper (haha) amazing friend, Ch-ch-ch-Chelsea, and we were talking about a situation she was having trying to not hate on someone who may be hating on her. I was trying to give her some perspective as to being the bigger person and not stooping to the level of that person. It's easy for us to complain, hate, and moan about what people who don't know us or who do sometimes say behind our back. We've all done it in some for or fashion to another and I believe bad karma comes back to haunt us when we hear someone do the same thing towards us.

We have to be the bigger person in life, we have to let the sun shine, and not create the clouds. I know we all have those days where we just can't seem to do anything right or everything goes wrong, believe me I've been Debbie Downer lately, and I want to be the old Clayton who was always happy no matter what.

As I was talking with Chelsea, I said something to the effect that everybody is looking for their balance and happiness in life. Everyone has been made different and happiness is achieved in various ways. I was watching a Robin Thicke interview last night on YouTube and he said why his music is different from others is because its his, not yours, or mine, - we all have been given gifts to make this world a better, happier place. So what he creates is from other inspiration that could have come from you or me, but what inspires him allows him to create whats his.

So as I think about that and talking with Chelsea, I thought we shouldn't judge others if we do not know them and most of the time if we do. We can do what we can to provide happiness from what we create and create a world around us which if we train our minds and hearts to keep the sun shining even in storms or a few passing clouds, then we can always be spreading that happiness and postivity to others.

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